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50 g Wheaty VEGANKEBAB Gyros
4 cloves of garlic
1 large red onions
5 tbsp olive oil
2 yellow, 2 red pepper pods, cut into strips
6 tbsp red wine vinegar
100 g diced (tinned) tomatoes (no liquid)
½ bunch of parsley leaves
250 g Fettuccine (tagliatelle)


Wheaty Peperonata

Cook the Fettuccine until they are al dente.

Peel and finely chop the garlic and onions

Fry in hot olive oil and (after 2 minutes) add the pepper strips and braise until the ingredients are soft.

Add the vinegar and diced tomatoes and let it boil down a little.

Add the Gyros and let the food briefly bring to the boil again.

Fold the Fettucine into the sauce.

Garnish eg. with hollowed out tomato halves, spinkle some chopped parsley leaves on the dish and decorate with summer vegetables. Serve with some baguette.