250 g lentils ½ red paprika ½ yellow paprika 1 small courgette 1 clove of garlic 1 onion 600 ml tomato juice 1 tbsp tomato purée 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp olive oil sea salt & pepper 400 g Wheaty® VEGANSAUSAGE Hot Dog vegetable stock (how much depends on your requirement) water
Wheaty lentil dish
Soak the lentils for 1 hour in cold water.
Wash the paprika and courgette and cut into strips. Peel, finely dice and braise (in hot olive oil) the onion and garlic. Deglaze with tomato juice.
Put the lentils in a sieve and let them drain. Add some vegetable stock. Let them cook for about 20 minutes and dilute with some water. Season with tomato puree, sea salt, pepper and balsamic vinegar.
Place on a platter and garnish with the Hot Dogs (briefly fry in hot olive oil).