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250 g Wheaty VEGANKEBAB Gyros
4 corncobs with 200 g each
2 small red onions
1 red pepper pod
3 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp red wine vinegar
½ tsp coarsely chopped black pepper corns
1/8 l vegetable stock
100 g margarine
herbal salt, cayenne pepper


Wheaty "Corn on the cob"

Remove the leaves off the corncob and wash thoroughly.

Peel and finely dice the onions.

Finely dice the pepper pod.

Heat up the olive oil in a pot and fry the onion and pepper in it.

Add the vinegar, pepper, Gyros and the vegetable stock. Let the food cook for 8 minutes. Then take the pot off the heat and mix the margarine into the mix with a whisk. You should get a creamy sauce.

Season with some herbal salt and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

Place the corncobs in some boiling salt water and cook for 6-7 minutes.

Place in a bowl and pour the sauce over the corncobs. Serve hot.