Waterzooi ist ein Flemish dish, originally made with fish or meat, sometimes even with both. It's a unique dish made with vegetables and a creamy sauce that tastes good with a soft slice of bread. This is the vegan version. And like all stews, this one tastes much better the next day.
1 Packung Wheaty VEGANKEBAB Döner 2 medium-sized carrots 2 small leaks 3 small courgettes 4 small potatoes 125 ml soya cream 1 cube of vegetable stock olive oil ¼ tsp garlic powder 1 hand full of fresh coriander pepper
Peel the carrots and the potatoes. Remove the greenery from the leek and slice the courgette into slices of approx. 5 mm thickness.
Boil the potatoes in water (salted) (and check on the progress by using the tip of a knife).
Cut the leek into thin strips, cut the carrots into thin slices.
Heat up some olive oil in a casserole and add the VEGANKEBAB Döner and briefly fry it (at low heat). Then add the carrots, a glas of water and the vegetable stock, the garlic powder, the chopped coriander and some pepper. Mix everything and let the food cook at low heat for about 10 minutes.
Then add the sliced courgette as well as the leek, another glas of water and let it cook again for about 10 minutes.
When the potatoes are done, add them (after cutting them in half / quarters - if they're too big). Add the soya cream cream and cook again for about 5 minutes with the lid on.