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Roast and filling:

750 g VEGANSTEAK Holiday Roast
1 carrot, finely grated
1 small parsnip, finely grated
100 g walnuts, coarsely chopped
4 tbsp fine oat flakes
soya cream
vegetable extract
1 small leek


3 fennel bulbous
2 small oranges
olive oil
salt, sugar

Mashed potato:

500 g floury potatoes
1/8 l soya milk
1 ½ tbsp margarine
1 tbsp chopped pine kernels


2 tbsp cranberry (from a glas / jar)
soy sauce
2-3 tbsp flour
soya cream


2 tbsp margarine
4 tbsp breadcrumbs

Don't forget:

1 tbsp different coloured peppercorns


Holiday roast "surprise"

With cranberry sauce, a fennel & orange vegetable-mix, mashed potato with pine kernels and "Schwabensand" (breadcrumbs).


Slice the leek longways into thin strips, briefly blanch it in vegetable stock and dry afterwards.


Mix the grated carrot, parsnip and walnuts together with the oat flakes, soya cream and the vegetable extract with some water until its consistency becomes solid.

Fennel & orange vegetable-mix:

Remove the stalk from the fennel bulbous, then slice the fennel into long, thin slices. Steam in some olive oil. Peel the orange, remove the white peel inside and cut into small pieces and steam once again together with the fennel, boil it a little and season with a little salt and sugar. Chop up the fennel green and fold in. Keep warm.

Mashed potato:

Peel the potatoes and cut into small pieces, cook in lightly salted water. When done, pour off the liquid. Add some warmed up soya milk, margarine, nutmeg and salt to the potatoes and mash up with a potato masher. Fold in the pine kernels.


Briefly boil the cranberry jam in 200 ml of water and 200 ml of soy sauce. Thicken with some flour mixed in some cold water. Mix in 2-3 tbsp of soya cream. Gently heat up the Holiday Roast in the mixture (alternative: warm up the roast in the oven, after coating it with some oil). Keep warm.


Gently fry the breadcrumbs in hot margarine until they have a light brown colour.

Serving the dish:

Cut a little pocket into the Holiday Roast by slicing 6-7 cm lengthways and leaving about 3 cm at the end. Fill with the vegetable-nut mixture and bind together with the leek strips. Keep warm.

Cut the first part of the Holiday Roast and prepare a platter together with the vegetables and the mashed potatoes. Trickle the cranberry sauce over the roast. Sprinkle the breadcrumbs on the mashed potato. Final step: Sprinkle the dish with some peppercorns!