200 g Wheaty VEGANKEBAB Curry
200 g basmati rice
300 g broccoli
150 g carrots
4 spring onions
100 g mushrooms
1 garlic cloves
150 ml vegetable stock
1-2 tbsp margarine
1 small banana
100 g soya yoghurt
20 g peanuts
1 small bunch of coriander
1 organic lemon (peel and juice)
1 tsp curry powder
salt, pepper
Side dish:
2 tbsp dark balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp grape seed oil
1 squeezed garlic clove
salt and pepper
lamb's lettuce
Cook the rice according to the instructions given on the packet.
Divide the broccoli up into small florets, cut the carrots into small bits and cut the spring onions into rolls and the mushrooms into quarters.
Steam the vegetables and the garlic in hot margarine, deglaze with vegetable stock. Cook until everything is firm to the bite.
Fold in the VEGANKEBAB Curry, mix in the soya yoghurt. Chop up the peanuts, cut the bananas into small bits and fold in together with the rice. Heat up once again.
Chop up the coriander and sprinkle over the dish. Season with some lemon peel & lemon juice, as well as some curry powder, salt and pepper.
Serve on a large plate (arrange in the shape of a heart). The dish can be garnished with courgette and carrot strips.
Salad as a side dish:
Mix all the ingredients for the dressing. Mix in with the lamb's lettuce and the raspberries.