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3 Wheaty VEGAN seitan roasts

100ml orange juice
½ tbsp finely grated ginger
½ tsp cardamom
1 pinch of freshly ground black pepper
1 small chili pod
1 tbsp soya sauce
1 ½ tbsp sunflower oil


Orange seitan roast

Deseed the chili pod and slice into thin strips.

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients for the marinade with the sunflower oil. Place the seitan roasts into the marinade and let them rest for 5-6 hours. Regularly turn the roasts.

Then take the seitan roasts out of the marinade and place them on some paper kitchen towels. Afterwards, fry the roasts in a hot pan with very little oil on both sides until they have a slight crisp.

The rest of the marinade can be used as a sauce. Sweet potato puree or a crispy salad are the perfect side dish!