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200 g Wheaty VEGANKEBAB Gyros
2 tbsp potato starch
350 g apricots
3 spring onions
3 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper
1 tbsp curry powder
¼ l vegetable stock
200 g long grain rice, cooked
3 tbsp soya sauce
20 g margarine
70 g peas, cooked
70 g grain of maize, cooked


Rice pan with apricot and Wheaty gyros

Dredge the gyros in some potato starch (not too much!).

If you are using preserved fruit: pour off the liquid and keep the juice. Then cut the fruits in quarters.

Cut the spring onions into small rings and wash them.

Lightly fry the gyros in hot olive oil, then take it out and add salt and pepper to them. Sauté the onion rings and the curry powder and deglaze with vegetable stock.

Add the cooked rice and season with soy sauce, salt, pepper and sugar. If you want, you can also thicken it with some flour (mixed with cold water).

Add the gyros and the apricots. Then add the cooked peas and maize grains. Season with salt, sugar and some apricot juice.