200g dried corn leaves for the Tamales (about 48 pieces)
500g Wheaty VEGANKEBAB plain
500g corn flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp coarse sea salt
100g vegan margarine
chopped fresh coriander
2 tbsp olive oil
1 red onion (finely diced)
1 tbsp chopped garlic
200g chopped tomatoes (tinned)
250ml light Mexican beer
2 dried chili peppers
1 tbsp apple vinegar
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp ground cumin
½ tsp coarse sea salt
This is a traditional Mesoamerican dish, consisting of Masa (corn pastry), which is stuffed, wrapped in plant leaves and then steamed. It has been proven, that this dish was cooked by the Mayas and Aztecs towards the middle of the last century. You can order corn leaves for Tamales on the internet. As an alternative you can also use baking foil cut down to the same size as corn leaves.
Take a bowl and mix the corn flour, baking powder and salt with a kitchen aid, then add 1L of warm water and the margarine. Work the dough until it is compact and soft. Mix in the fresh chopped coriander.
Place the corn leaves into a big pot and cover with boiling water. Put a plate on the leaves, so that they stay covered by the water. The leaves should soak for about 30 minutes.
Spread the finished dough onto the corn leaves. Add the plain VEGANKEBAB, roll the filling up in the leaves and fasten with some string. Place in a pot with boiling water and let it simmer for around 30 minutes. When the time is up, take them out and remove the outer leaves. Serve with the sauce!
For the sauce: Heat some olive oil up in a pot. Add the dived onions and braise lightly until they become glazed (for about 3 min). Add some garlic and also braise for 2 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients for the sauce and mix thoroughly. Briefly boil the mixture up and then let it boil down again on medium to low heat for about 20 minutes. Don’t forget to regularly stir! When finished, take the pot of the stove and cover it up. Leave it rest for about 15 minutes. Finally, mash up the mixture. If needed, use cold water to bind the flour.