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200g Wheaty VEGANKEBAB plain
some lemon peel
1 carrot
500g chestnuts
2 shallots
1 small celery stalk
30g margarine
600ml vegetable stock
salt, white pepper
120ml soya cream


Chestnut soup

Cut into the chestnuts and fry in the oven on a baking try at a high temperature, then peel them. Peel the shallots and celery und chop them up into very fine pieces. Sauté in hot margarine, pour on the vegetable stock, add the peeled chestnuts and cook until tender (remember to put 12 chestnuts aside for later on!). Now use a blender shaft to finely purée the soup. Pour in the soya cream, season with salt and pepper. Take the chestnuts that you kept aside, cut into quarters and add these to the soup.

Now to the side dish: Wash the carrot and peel into long thin strips. Then cut across into very fine threads. Chop up the VEGANKEBAB plain finely and briefly sweat in margarine together with the carrot threads and the lemon peel. Season with salt and pepper. The side dish can be added to the soup or eaten separately.