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1 x Wheaty VEGANSAUSAGE Chorizo
100 ml olive oil
700 g mushrooms
grated lemon peel (from 1 lemon)
salt & pepper
2 garlic cloves
2 small carrots
1 bunch of parsley


Garlic mushrooms

Cut the Chorizo into cubes and briefly fry them in oil. Keep warm when done.

Grate the carrots and quarter the mushrooms. Heat up the oil in a pan, add the mushrooms and carrots and put the lid back on. Braise for about 5 minutes and stir every now and then.

Season with the lemon peel, salt and pepper. Add some crushed garlic. Heat up again for 2-3 minutes.

Arrange the vegetables on a platter and garnish with the Chorizo cubes and some parsley.