2 x Wheaty Vegan Smoked Steak 2.0
100g pineapple, diced
1 apple, peeled and diced
1 onion
1 small piece of ginger
Peanut oil
1 ½ tbsp. soya sauce
120ml rice cream
a little (organic) lemon peel
½ tbsp. coriander
200g jasmine rice
1 broccoli
Cut the broccoli (without the stems) into small florets and parboil. Cook the jasmine rice. Vegan Smoked Steak into evenly sized cubes.
Peel the onion and finely dice. Brown gently in hot peanut oil together with the apple, pineapple and a little grated ginger. Add the soya sauce and mix in the rice cream. Season with some coriander and lemon peel, but don’t let the dish boil any longer. Add some salt and pepper if needed.
To prepare: Place the jasmine rice in a ring around the plate and place the main Smoked Steak dish in the centre. If you want to garnish the dish, add some steamed yellow courgette or peppers (both finely diced).