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300 g VEGANSAUSAGE Country Style
300 g potatoes
1 bunch of herbs / vegetables for making soup
1-2 cloves of garlic
1 medium-sized onion
1 tbsp sunflower oil
1 tbsp vegetable stock extract
salt and pepper
ground caraway
dried or fresh marjoram
½ tsp horseradish
50 ml soya cream


Potato soup with country style sausages

Wash the peeled potatoes and the herbs / vegetables and cut into small bits.

Finely dice the garlic and onions. Lightly braise the onions and garlic in sunflower oil, then also briefly braise the potatoes and vegetables. Add the spices.

Fill with 1 litre or water and let the food cook for about 20 minutes. Purée the ingredients.

Add some horseradish and soya cream.

Briefly fry the Country Style sausages in some oil and serve together with the soup.