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2 x Wheaty VEGANSAUSAGE Tiny Hot Dogs
2 tbsp sunflower oil
2 baguettes
1 cucumber
vegan mayonnaise
a few branches of fresh coriander
8 radishes
1 fresh chilli pod
160 g carrots
60 ml rice vinegar
30 ml roasted sesame oil
1 lime


Hot dog "Bánh mì"

Peel the carrots, then process into "Tagliatelle" with a swivel-bladed peeler.

Mix the rice vinegar, sesame oil and the lime juice in one bowl. Add the carrot strips, mix well and cover (let the dish marinate). Let it rest for 2 hours.

Cut the cucumber into even sticks, the radishes into small strips and the chilli pods into rings. Pluck the leaves off the coriander. 

Lightly fry the Tiny Hot Dogs in a pan with some oil (alternative: coat in oil and grill them).

Halve the baguettes and slice open each half. Spread one half with mayonnaise and the other with mustard. Place two hot dogs on each side. Garnish with the pickled carrots, cucumber, basil leaves and radish sticks.