750 g wheat flour
250 ml water, lukewarm
90 ml sunflower oil
1 pinch of salt
400 g Wheaty VEGANKEBAB Gyros
½ cucumber
½ bunch of spring onion
2 paprika
30 g dried tomatoes in oil
50 g dark olives
2 tbsp of oil for frying
20 g capers
½ clove of garlic
100 ml soya yoghurt
150 g lettuce
Pile up some flour and hollow it out in the middle. Add some water, oil and salt to the middle and knead into dough. Let the dough prove for about 80 minutes (cover up the dough). Then divide into 4 evenly sized pieces and form into balls. Then roll out into round flat bread with a rolling pin. Bake in a hot pan without any oil until bubbles start appearing. Let the tortillas cool off.
Finely grate the cucumber, add some salt and let it settle for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, wash the spring onions and cut into larger pieces.
Deseed the paprika and slice into thicker bits. Let the tomatoes drain and slice into thin strips. Chop up the olives.
Heat up some oil in a pan and lightly fry the spring onion, paprika, tomatoes, olives, gyros and the capers. Season with salt, pepper and cayenne pepper.
Place the cucumber in a sieve and squeeze out the water. Mix the soya yoghurt together with the cucumber in a bowl and add some garlic and ginger by grating it. Season with salt and pepper.
Fill the tortillas with the fried ingredients, salat and cucumber-dip and serve warm!