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4 x Wheaty VEGANSTEAK THE Schnitzel
sunflower oil
bunch of parsley 
1 tomato
500 g waxy potatoes
¼ l vegetable stock
1 shrub of celery
2 small sour apples
2 small gherkins
1 tsp mustard
1 ½ tbsp sunflower oil
100 g soya yoghurt
1 tsp lemon juice
salt & pepper


THE Schnitzel with a celery & potato salad

Wash the potatoes and cook (unpeeled) for 30 minutes. Then peel them, cut into slices and let them cool down. Pour some hot vegetable stock over them and let them soak for about 10 minutes.

Divide the celery into single sticks, wash them and cut into small pieces.

Peel the apples and halve them. Deseed and then cut into slices.

Dice the gherkins.

Mix the mustard, oil and soya yoghurt and season with lemon juice, pepper and salt.

Drain the potato slices and mix with the celery, apples and gherkins.

Fold in the soya yoghurt mixture and put in the fridge for 25-30 minutes.

Fry THE Schnitzel in plenty of sunflower oil on both sides until it is nice and crispy. Serve together with the salad, the tomato slices and some parsley.