120 g Wheaty VEGANKEBAB Curry
2 tbsp rapeseed oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
80 g courgette, diced
80 g fresh mushrooms, diced
lemon peel (grated from 1 lemon)
80 g soya yoghurt
salt, pepper, nutmeg
some chopped up parsley leaves
4 puff pastry pattys
Heat up the rapeseed oil and lightly sauté the onion and garlic cubes in it.
Add the diced courgette and mushrooms and sauté them.
Fold in the Wheaty Curry and let the ingredients boil down.
Fold in the lemon peel and add the soya yoghurt. If needed, you can also thicken by using some cornstarch.
Season with some salt, nutmeg and ground black pepper. Sprinkle with parsley.
Heat up the pattys, fill them with the mixture and close off by putting the "lid" back on. Serve on a ring of rice.