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200 g Wheaty VEGANKEBAB Curry
2 tbsp frying oil
1 small onion, chopped up
2 cloves of garlic, chopped up
150 g spinach, coarsely chopped
approx. 4 tbsp flour
approx. 50ml soya or oat cream
4 tbsp white wine or lemon juice
salt and nutmeg


Florentine curry

Heat up the frying oil, sauté the onions and garlic. Add the spinach and also sauté it.

Add the Wheaty Curry and braise it together with the other ingredients. Brush the VEGANKEBAB with some flour. Pour some white wine on the food, add some cream and season with salt and nutmeg.

A nice addition: caraway potatoes

Use small, new potatoes. Leave them unpeeled and halve them (or cut into quarters). Oil them up, spinkle some caraway on them and bake them at 200°C until they are done (depending on the size it can take anywhere between approx. 15-30 minutes).