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1 packet of Wheaty VEGANSLICES Salami
850 g fennel
1 tsp fennel seeds
1 lemon
3 tbsp agave nectar
6 tbsp olive oil
2 thyme twigs
2 apples (preferably russet)
3 spring onions
100 g pine kernals
salt, pepper


Apple & fennel salad with "salami"

Wash the fennel, halve and remove the stalk. Put the greenery to one side. Slice the fennel halves in ½ cm thick slices. Lightly brown the fennel seeds in a hot pan (no oil!). Then add the juice of half a lemon and the agave nectar. Briefly sauté it and then add some olive oil, thyme and fennel pits to the pan and let it cook for about 3 minutes (the vegetables should be firm to the bite). Season with salt and pepper.

Deseed the apples and slice into very fine slices. Sprinkle some lemon juice from the second half over the apples. Clean the spring onion and cut into fine rings. Add the apple and spring onions to the warm fennel and let the dish sit for about 45 minutes. 

Roast the pine kernals in a pan (no oil) until golden, chop up the greenery from the fennel, slice the salami into fine slices and mix everything into the salad. Season with salt and pepper.