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Dreifürstensteinstr. 1-3 in D-72116 Mössingen, Germany
Phone: +49 7473 94865-0 Fax: +49 7473 94865-290
E-Mail info@wheaty.de

Managing Directors: 

Charles-Henry Debal
Torsten Kramer

Organic Certification agent: DE-ÖKO-003 

Company register: Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 381417 
EU VAT ID: DE 811 467 683
Responsible for the content of this web site: Klaus Gaiser  

Wheaty, Spacebar, and SchnellMahl
are registered trademarks of TOPAS GmbH.

Texts and photos on this web site, where not otherwise stated,
© TOPAS GmbH. 
All rights reserved.